Home and Community Habilitation

Home and Community Habilitation consists of support in the areas of self-care, communication, fine and gross motor skills, mobility, therapeutic activities, personal adjustment, relationship development skills, socialization, and use of community resources.

Specific areas of support include:

Habilitation: Self-help skills related to personal hygiene, general cleaning, laundry, meal preparation, and other household tasks.

Medical/ Health: Helps with developing, improving or maintaining health management skills including scheduling and attending appointments, following a healthy or prescribed diet and managing medications appropriately.

Safety Skills: Support to access and use transportation, translator and communication assistance, companion services, shopping, and other necessary activities of community life.

Financial: Developing financial stability and security towards achieving self-support, through general banking skills; following a budget; assistance in beginning a business enterprise; personal and estate planning; balancing accounts; preparing income taxes; recordkeeping, and arranging for disability-related work incentives.

Community Participation: Support to enhance participation in community projects, associations, groups, functions, and volunteer work.

Socialization: Support to enhance friendships, relationships, and visits with friends and family.

Self-Actualization: Assisting individuals to participate in public and private boards, advisory groups, and commissions.

Civic Responsibilities: To enable the individual to exercise rights as a citizen.